Winter is a great time of year, but it’s cold. Possibilities of indoor recess loom around during this season, so it’s always a great idea to have a backup plan.
Crafts are always a great go-to for indoor recess. Crafts are also great for lesson extensions, fine motor practice, and creating student-built bulletin boards.
Can you tell that I love doing crafts in the classroom?
Incorporate fine motor and math into your Olympic unit by making salt dough medals! Students can design their own medals and wear them during your unit study.
Your students will have a blast creating their own edible Olympic torch snacks. Great for Fun Food Friday / cooking in the classroom!
Turn ordinary krispie treats into a tasty Olympic snack with M&M Olympic rings!
Kids can sport their Olympic team spirit with an easy pony bead bracelet inspired by the Olympic flag. Grab pony beads here.
Your crafty kids are going to love these nine creative crafts for the Olympics!
Who doesn’t love a good handprint craft? This Olympic torch craft is perfect with its handprint flames.
Geography meets craft time with this flag handprint wreath. It features flags from around the world, perfect for the international Games.
You can turn an ordinary countdown chain into an Olympic learning tool by making a countdown chain full of printable Olympic facts.
Hand-painted Olympic flag rocks can be used in so many ways. Match the rocks to a world map. Line up the rocks as countries win gold medals. Play matching games with country cards. So many options!
Sports fans of all ages are going to love these sports-themed crafts. There are 25 to choose from. Which one will you do first?
Celebrate the Olympics wearing a construction paper olive wreath crown. Little ones may want to wear it during the opening and closing ceremonies.
This Olympic wind sock craft will look great hanging in your classroom or hallway, or hanging in a prominent place during your child’s favorite sporting event!
With a collection of 20 Olympic crafts and recipes to choose from, you’ll have a hard time deciding which one to do first.
If you plan to throw an Olympic-themed party, you’ve got to check out these fun Olympics activities. From printables and crafts to games and snacks, there are activities for kids all ages to enjoy.
What is your favorite winter games craft?