When you are on the committee that is interviewing candidates for a school admin position, it is essential to find the right candidate. Someone who is both qualified and passionate about education is ideal.
To make sure you are getting the right person for the job, there are specific questions that should be asked during an interview. These questions will help you determine if the applicant has the skills, experience, and attitude necessary to be an effective school administrator or principal.
Read on to learn what questions you should be asking prospective candidates during an interview!
Interview Questions for an Admin Position
Special education teachers generally have different questions when it comes to interviewing someone for an admin position at the school. The difference in these questions stems from a need to ensure that there is support and guidance that will be given, as well as experience in handling challenging situations.
If you are sitting in on the interview panel, here are some questions that can help you weed out candidates and find the one who will be the best fit for your school.
– Do you provide extra support when students are having meltdowns? If so, what does that support look like?
– What extra duties do you assign to special ed teachers?
– How do you rebuild a student after a hard moment?
– How do you support a teacher when a student is acting out?
– What types of professional development are you committed to providing your staff, and how often is that professional development provided?
– What are your opinions about suspension?
– How do you plan to support our highest-need students when their case managers and support staff are absent?
– How would you handle a due process hearing?
– How would you approach a general education staff member who is being non-inclusive of special education students?
– How would you approach a specials teacher (PE, health, etc.) who refuses to accommodate students with physical disabilities?
– How would you approach a specials or general ed teacher who speaks negatively about special education students being a distraction in their class and saying they don’t belong there?
– Are you familiar with the IEP program the district uses?
– How have you worked with special education students and teachers when you were in the classroom?
When you have the opportunity to ask questions at an admin interview, you get to hear first-hand how your potential new admin will support you as a special ed teacher. Do not be afraid to ask tough questions, and ensure that the candidate has the qualifications and experience to support you in difficult situations. If you don’t take the time to ask the questions beforehand, you will be left wondering how much backup you will actually have when student behaviors become challenging.
What are your favorite questions to ask at an admin interview? Share with us below!