
Free Websites to Help Teachers Lesson Plan

There are a lot of websites out there that teachers can use as a resource for worksheets, books and other resources. Some cost money, but some are free!

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I’ve done some research and here is a list that I have compiled, with the help of other veteran special ed teachers in our free VIP Facebook Group, of some of the best and most commonly used free websites for teachers to use.

Free Websites to Help with Lesson Planning


  • Math-aids.com → a website provides free math worksheets for teachers, parents, students and homeschoolers. The worksheets are randomly and dynamically created allowing you to make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets to our specifications.
  • Dadsworksheets.com → a website provides free Math printables and calculators for your use!
  • Math-drills.com → this website provides free Math drill worksheets on a range of topics including number sense, arithmetic, pre-algebra, geometry, measurement, money concepts and so much more along with interactive features of math flash cards and a math dots game.

English Language Arts

  • Englishworksheetsland.com → this website provides common core aligned ELA worksheets from Pre-K to 12th grade for free, with the option to upgrade for more features.
  • Readworks.org → this website provides reading passages, content & tools to help reading from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
  • Commonlit.org → CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond.

All Subjects / Combination

  • Commoncoresheets.com → this website helps create worksheets for every subject – spelling, math – all topics, science, social studies, language arts, writing, foreign languages, and other fun sheets like coloring sheets.  You can even assign activities for digital learning.
  • Twistynoodle.com → this website offers free printables for coloring pages, worksheets, math and printable books, all offering different subjects to choose from for your convenience
  • Worksheetfun.com → this website offers worksheets for every subject in math, as well as coloring, phonics, tracing/writing, butterfly lifecycle, and others for all elementary grade levels
  • Interventioncentral.org → this website provides teachers, schools & districts free resources to help struggling learners and implement RTI to be able to attain the Common Core Standards.
  • Flocabulary.com → this website is a Brooklyn based company that creates educational hip hop songs, videos and other materials for grades K-12 in the areas of vocabulary, United States history, math, science & other subjects.
  • Edhelper.com → this website provides math worksheets, leveled readers and puzzles for Pre-K to 12th grade


  • Therapistaid.com → this website is full of essential tools for mental health professionals providing resources in worksheets, videos, articles and interactives in all different topics like anger, relaxation, anxiety, and self-esteem that would be perfect to work on some Social Emotional skills in the special education classroom.
  • Wordwall.net → this website helps you create custom activities for your classroom.  Providing templates, you can create a variety of quizzes, match ups, word games, game shows, a random selection wheel, and so much more.

Special Education

  • Teachinguntangled.com/free-resources/ → this website provides free resources to help with classroom management, new teachers, managing student behavior, and special education.
  • Mrsdscorner.com → this website (and my favorite if I must say so) provides all different resources for every subject you could think of that can help you in your special education setting – Adapted books, life skills, task box ideas and so many more! Our Resource Library has more than 60+ free resources for you too.

Of the websites I mentioned, which one is your favorite or one you use regularly? If you have a FREE website that you use for teacher lesson ideas that I didn’t mention, let us know in the comments below!! We’d love to be able to share the goodness of these websites!




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