Teacher desks have been a classroom staple since the one-room schoolhouse, but that doesn’t mean they’re a necessity. In fact, many teachers are ditching their teacher desks entirely and moving to other spaces and nooks instead.
If you’re thinking about what you can use instead of a teacher desk, check out the ideas below. Some may work better than others for your situation, but all of them have a place in the classroom.
Why You Might Want to Switch Out Your Teacher Desk
Before we get into different things you can use for your teacher space when the desk is no longer an option, let’s talk about why you might want to make the switch.
Classroom is Small
If your classroom is on the smaller side, a large teacher desk can take up a lot of room. It takes away from space you can use for centers or large group instruction. If you’re looking for ways to create more space, ditching the teacher desk is a good option.
Never Use It
Let’s face it, we are rarely sitting behind our desks during the school day anyway. There is not a lot of time to use the actual desk, so why have it in the classroom?
It Gets Messy
One of the reasons you might want to trade in your teacher desk for an alternate option is because it is an area that easily collects clutter. If you’re trying to get rid of some of the visual clutter in your classroom, removing the teacher desk is one way to do it – especially if it’s a spot that’s usually piled high with papers and boxes!
What to Use Instead of a Teacher Desk
Now that you have decided to get rid of your teacher desk, what can you use instead? Here are three options that might work for you.
1 – Kidney Shaped Table
Kidney tables are great for small group instruction and they’re also wonderful for using as a teacher desk! Not only does it make it easier to run small groups from a spot where all of your supplies are anyway, but it makes it easier to conference with students, have lunch with them, and more. If your room allows for it, consider having two kidney shaped tables – one that’s solely for small groups, and the other that you use for small groups and your teacher desk space.
2 – Rolling Carts
Some teachers don’t want to be tethered to a table, so a tall rolling cart with a spot for their computers at the top is what they go for instead. These allow teachers to move around the room and bring their supplies with them as they go.
It’s also a good option for tucking away when you need extra space in the room!
3 – Small Tables or Desks
If you’re not ready to give up your own space entirely yet (and that’s okay!), consider investing in a small desk or table instead. It can save space while still giving you that area that you need in the classroom.
A folding desk is an especially handy solution if you don’t plan on decorating your space. If you plan on decorating it or putting sticky notes all over it, the folding option will probably not be your best option.
No matter what type of teacher desk alternative you decide to go with, remember that it must work for you and the space you have available. Be sure to utilize shelves and closets to store the things that would normally be on your desk, but keep them covered or out of sight to help minimize the visible clutter.
What do you use in your classroom? Share with us! We’d love to know what works best for you!