You’ve seen the game played before, and maybe even played a silly version of this at a faculty meeting. The game of Would you rather… is a great way to get to know each other, and I want to know more about you!
So let’s go! I will make my answer bold.
Copy and paste the text into the comments and share your answer with me. 🙂
Organize your classroom library OR a bin of mixed math manipulatives?
Have a student spill liquid glue on your head OR an entire container of glitter?
Sit in a 4 hour IEP meeting OR a 1 hour staff meeting about curriculum you can’t use?
Listen to a child read to you for the first time OR watch a child complete a task independently for the first time?
Take your students on a field trip to a noisy concert OR sit in a silent lecture hall?
Buy anything you wanted from a teacher store OR receive $5000 in special ed specific sensory equipment?
Have all of your paras out sick for a week OR make a months worth of sub plans for yourself?
Receive a full day observation from the Special Ed Director OR a parent?
Fish underwear out of the toilet OR clean a bathroom accident off of the floor?
Write an IEP from scratch OR write new data sheets?
Have your bulletin board ripped down OR all of your bookshelves flipped over?
Have less students with no para support OR more students with para support?
Teach a whole group activity OR teach in the 1:1 setting?
Attend a heated meeting with parents OR a heated meeting with administration?
Have a kitchen OR a sensory room?
Listen to other teachers say a negative student behavior is cute OR have another teacher give unsolicited advice about a behavior?
Give grades OR write progress reports?
Have administration reward negative behavior OR ask if you’ve tried calling home?
Use purple glue sticks OR white glue sticks?
Attend classroom Halloween parties OR school field day?
Have a para who refuses to change diapers OR a para who takes 30 minutes to change one diaper?
Be best friends with the Physical Therapist OR with the Occupational Therapist?
Use Velcro strips OR dots?
Have a parent email you daily OR have an absentee parent?
Use Crayola markers OR Mr. Sketch markers?
Have no curriculum OR outdated curriculum from the 1970’s?
Have an early prep period OR a late prep period?
Have a classroom with not enough furniture OR a classroom with too much furniture?
*Remember: this is all in good fun and is not meant to be degrading.