
The Best of the Best IEP Transition Writing Hacks

As special education teachers, we know that writing an IEP is the foundation of our job. We also know that it can be stressful, time consuming, and just down right frustrating – especially when it comes to secondary transitions. So I have compiled some resources and hacks that can help you write a very intentional IEP for your students.

Best of the Best IEP Writing Transition Hacks

Autism Educators

When you visit Autism Educators, you can get classroom tested teaching materials that align with IEP goals provided in our IEP goal bank with other free IEP resources.

Bridges 4 Kids

This IEP goal bank provides goals and objectives in all content areas such as English, Functional Academics, Independent Living, Mathematics, Mathematic Readiness, Motor, Recreation and Leisure, Self-Management and Daily Living, Social Emotional, Speech and Language, Study Skill and Vocational/Career Education.

Zarrow Center

At the Zarrow Center of Oklahoma University, you can find resources for transition curriculums, transition assessments, employment information and other transition resources to help guide anyone to a successful transition.

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Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS)

The Center for Change in Transition Services through Seattle University provides professional development and training, projects, resources and agency connections, as well as transition services given for successful transitions for all.

Life Skills Assessments

The O*Net Interest Profiler is a bundle of self-assessment career exploration tools that can help people discover the type of work activities and occupations that they would like and find exciting. Another set of free tools that assess the independent skills youth need in order to achieve their long-term goals is Casey Life Skills Toolkit. Give these to the students that you know can understand questions being asked and make the choices to answer those questions to help them get a better idea of what types of skills they have to help them in their future.

The Intentional IEP

Over at our sister site The Intentional IEP, your membership can provide you with a plethora of training videos pertaining to all things transitions with other IEP writing experts, as well as a goal bank for all academic, daily-living skills, communication, behavior, transition, and many, many more. Including an entire bank of free resources.

We all know how difficult it is to create successful transitions and transition goals in an IEP, so if there are any other hacks that you use, please share in the comments below so we can help each other out!




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