Supports for Special Needs Parents

Being a parent of a special needs child is a tough role. From endless meetings and doctor’s appointments to behavior therapists and special tutors, there is always something to do, learn, advocate for, or research more about. But if you’re just starting out or not sure what is out there, the question might be, “what supports for special needs parents are out there?”

The answer is quite a few.

Supports for Special Needs Parents

Thankfully, as awareness of special needs parenting grows, the available support lists grows too. If you are a parent of a child with special needs or a teacher who would like to support her students’ parents, check out the list of resources below.

The Best Supports for Special Needs Parents

Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)

COPAA is dedicated to helping protect the rights of special needs students. They advocate for both civil and legal rights to ensure that children get the supports and services that they need. Their website is filled with information and resources, as well as updates on their current cases and matters related to the special needs community. If a parent thinks they may need an advocate, here are some reasons why you should tell them to get one.

Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)

ASAN is a non-profit advocacy group run by and for people on the spectrum. Their mission is to make sure that those with autism get an equal voice and equal rights in everything from pay to education.

Finding Cooper’s Voice

Finding Cooper’s Voice is a blog written by and for parents of children with special needs. It highlights the hope and heartache that go into raising children on the spectrum.

Noah’s Dad

Noah’s Dad is a blog written by the father of a son with Down’s Syndrome. The site focuses on the daily life of raising a child with Down’s Syndrome, as well as questions that others might have about it.

The Autism Hero Project

The vision of the Autism Hero Project is to prepare children with autism for the world and prepare the world for them through education, resources, and support. They hold many local to them fundraisers and provide a list of financial and medical aid services and grants for families of children with autism.

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Autism Helper

This podcast covers everything from staff training to inclusion and more!

Adventures in Autism Podcast

From neuro-diversity to the latest hot topics and trends in autism education and legislature, this podcast is informative and fun.

Dyslexia Buzz

Focused on dyslexia, Dyslexia Buzz covers everything from advocacy to myths and misconceptions related to the learning disability.


Beyond the Diagnosis: The Path to Thriving as a Special Needs Parent

Written by Amy Mattson, this book describes what it’s like to be a special needs parent and offers hope and encouragement for those who are raising a child with special needs.

The Out of Sync Child

For those who have a child with a sensory processing disorder, The Out of Sync Child is an excellent resource. It explains what a sensory processing disorder is and how children with it can be helped.

Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism

This book encourages those impacted by autism to see it in a different light. Instead of trying to “fix” the symptoms of autism, the author encourages the reader to build on the child’s strengths instead.

No matter which resources you use or recommend, providing supports for special needs parents can make a big difference in their lives and the life of their child.




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