
Editable IEP Folder Snapshot – Editable IEP Audit Form

This in-depth, editable IEP Folder Snapshot, otherwise known as an IEP Audit Form. It is perfect for keeping track of what is inside a student’s IEP folder, cumulative folder, or audit file, without having to sift through all of the paperwork inside the folder.



This in-depth, editable IEP Folder Snapshot, otherwise known as an IEP Audit Form. It is perfect for keeping track of what is inside a student’s IEP folder, cumulative folder, or audit file, without having to sift through all of the paperwork inside the folder.

What is included?

  • 1 editable full sheet IEP Folder Snapshot
  • 1 editable half sheet IEP Folder Snapshot (2 on 1 page, cut in half)
  • 1 PDF version of each
  • 3 pages of how to customize the editable file

Who is this editable IEP Audit Form for?

Any caseload manager or education professional at any grade level.

How do I edit this snapshot?

You will need Microsoft PowerPoint to edit this document. The first 3 pages of the editable file include more detailed instructions for how to edit and personalize it.

How do I use an IEP snapshot?

Learn more about how and why to use IEP Folder Snapshots here.


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