
Addition Math Task Cards | Math Center

Practice basic addition facts with these math wheel task cards.


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ADDITION MATH WHEEL TASK CARDS | Practice basic addition facts with these math wheel task cards.

What is included?

• 52 (fifty-two) total task cards: 26 color, 26 b&w (please read list below to see skills practiced)

• 2 exit tickets 

What skills are practiced?

Form and solve addition sentences  – 26 task cards: 13 color, 13 b&w – 1 activity: add number in outer circle to number in middle circle, write answer in outermost circle.Form and solve addition sentences  – 26 task cards: 13 color, 13 b&w – 1 activity: add number in outer circle to number in middle circle, write answer in outermost circle. Write three addition sentences from addition wheels on exit ticket.


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