As a TpT Author, one thing that I love collecting more than clip art is fonts.
One might say that I am a “font snob” and I’m okay with that. I mean, recognizing fonts in stores and on signs and knowing the name of the font is normal, right?!
My font collection has grown quite a lot over the past 3 years since discovering TPT. I don’t even know how many fonts I have actually downloaded onto my laptop, but it’s a lot. Like a lot a lot.
Probably 400+ fonts. See. I told you.
Pinterest doesn’t help either. I have an entire board dedicated to fonts. When I’m creating a resource and I’m stuck on using a font, I browse that board to give me ideas. It’s come in handy quite a few timesI can’t be the only one who loves fonts. Please say that I’m not alone in this… [crickets chirp] … hello?! anyone!? … Ahhh, there you are! I knew I wasn’t alone! 🙂
It wasn’t hard for me to pick 14 of my favorite fonts. These are pretty much my go-to fonts that I use on a very regular basis.
*Please know that some fonts are paid fonts and some are free for personal use only.*
Claire Hand / Hello Doodle Print / KG Lego House / The Basic Apple / DJ Fancy / A Gentle Touch / Janda Stylish Script / KG All Things New / Always in My Heart / DJB Tootsiewootsie / KG Wake Me Up / Pass the Chex / KG Second Chancs Sketch / Lima Bean
What is or are your favorite font(s)? Tell us in the comments below!