Morning meeting is a great time to ease your students into the day!
There is so much to do and so much that can be discussed that it’s sometimes hard to narrow it down. If you’re not sure what to talk about during morning meeting, we have some ideas of things that you can cover.
Remember, all topics should be ones that fit with your curriculum and what your students need. There’s no sense in adding a topic if it doesn’t serve your students in some way.
Possible Morning Meeting Topics
Attendance Check-in
Start the morning off with check-ins! Morning meeting is the perfect time to take attendance and start creating that routine that will carry students throughout the day.
Adding a daily question to your attendance taking is a fun way to get to know your students while checking to see who is present that day as well!
Covering the calendar is one of the most common topics that gets touched upon during morning meeting. It’s a great way to discuss time, months, days, and so much more.
Interactive calendars are especially good for morning meetings in the special education classroom because they give students a chance to move and manipulate pieces of the board. Kids who are excited are more invested in learning and the interactive component provides that.
Celebrate your students’ special days during morning meeting! This is the perfect time to name your birthday child of the day and crown them with a birthday sash or crown!
There is power in asking your students how they are feeling each day. It helps to build connections and also lets you know where they are coming from at the start of the day.
On This Day in History
Students love trivia so sharing an interesting event that happened on that day in history is a fun way to capture students’ attention.
Morning meeting is a fabulous time to talk about the weather. It ties science into the morning’s discussion and can lead to conversations about what to wear during certain types of weather, which activities are ideal for different days, and so on.
Yesterday, Today
Teaching children about time in terms of what happened yesterday and what is happening today is important. This can be done during morning meeting with some quick questions about “What did you eat for dinner yesterday?” and “What did you have for breakfast today?” Getting your students thinking in terms of time this way is easy and fun.
Day of School
All students (and teachers!) love counting the days of the school year. Morning meeting is the perfect time to do just that!
Social-Emotional Skills
Use morning meeting time to talk about kindness, sharing, respect, listening skills, following directions, safety at home and school, and more.
An ASL Sign
Have fun with language and teach your students a new American Sign Language sign each week! Morning meeting is when you can introduce it and practice it throughout the week!
Spanish Word of the Day
Learning a new word in Spanish can be a lot of fun for your students. Use morning meeting time to learn and practice the new word that can then be used throughout the day.
Daily Poem
A daily poem is a great way to introduce your students to different types of poetry throughout the school year. Incorporate the poems into your morning meeting routine so that students know to expect and look forward to them.
Letter of the Week
Practicing the letter of the week during circle time helps to keep from isolating language arts to a specific time of day. It also helps build students’ vocabulary, letter recognition, and phonics skills.
Mindfulness & Breathing Exercises
Giving students the tools they need to breathe through tough times in their day is important. Morning meeting is the perfect time to practice those breathing techniques and introduce students to new ones.
It’s hard to be in a grumpy mood when you’re singing, so many teachers love to incorporate a song or two into their morning meeting routine. It can be the same song every day or a different song each week!
Including a variety of topics in your daily meeting time helps you make the most of the day and gives students something to look forward to. Never underestimate the power that structure and routine have in the classroom!
What do you like to cover with your students during morning meeting? Share with us!