Dental Health and Tooth Books for Kids

February is Dental Health Awareness Month, which means it is the perfect time to introduce dental health and tooth books to your students.

These books will add some giggles and information about dental health education to your classroom. There are educational books to teach your children the importance of dental health. I also have some silly books to bring some laughter to your classroom.

Dental Health & Tooth Books for kids


Check out my list of 15 dental health and tooth books for kids:

  • The Tooth Book: A Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums is an educational picture book for young children. It answers a lot of questions children may have about taking care of their teeth and going to the dentist.
  • The Tooth Book is written by Dr. Seuss and is one of my students’ favorites! They love all the silly rhymes and pictures that are typical of Dr. Seuss.
  • Sugarbug Doug is a story about eating too many sweets and creating cavities. The sugarbugs are trying to destroy your teeth but read on to see how you can stop them.
  • The Tooth Book: A Book for Children to Enjoy and Learn About Teeth is a fun book about what may grow inside your mouth instead of a tooth! Children can guess what may pop up that begins with the correct letter.
  • Where the Sugar Bugs Live is a story about what happens when you don’t brush your teeth. Use this to share with your children about the importance of dental care.
Dental Health & Tooth Books for kids

5 Books About Going to the Dentist

Dental Health & Tooth Books for kids

5 Dental Health & Tooth Books

  • How to Catch the Tooth Fairy is a cute story about some kids trying to catch the tooth fairy. Their traps are fun but no one can catch the tooth fairy. Perfect for a STEM challenge to create a trap.
  • Why We Go To the Dentist is an informational books for kids about the importance of going to the dentist.
  • A Trip to the Dentist is a nonfiction story about visiting the dentist. It features real-life photographs and simple vocabulary for young readers.
  • Celebrate! Going to the Dentist does a great job at relieving nervousness about going to the dentist. Great for kids in preschool to 1st grade.
  • If the Dentist Were an Animal is a silly story that will make students laugh and ease their nerves about going to the dentist. It is full of rhymes and fun pictures.
Dental Health & Tooth Books for kids

Do you have any great books to read about dental health or teeth? Please drop a comment below with the titles for me!

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