Amazon Must-Haves for Special Educators

Knowing what supplies are essential and which ones are not can save you a lot of time and money. Check out these Amazon must-haves for special educators! They’ll save you time, money, and energy this school year!

Amazon Must-Have Supplies for Special Educators

This post contains affiliate links to items.

Must-Have Supplies

I love shopping from Amazon for things for my classroom! The prices are competitive and you can’t beat that quick shipping! Prime is my BFF.

Over the years I’ve gathered and organized lists of items that are essential in the special ed classroom. From the simple to the complex, the supplies you fill your room with can really determine the feel and effectiveness of the space.

The items in the lists below are my favorites and ones that have worked well for me. Remember, it’s your classroom and you know what works best for your situation.

One thing I do know is that when I shop on Amazon, it saves me a lot of time and energy. I hope that by having the teacher must-haves organized below into lists that it frees up some of your valuable time as well!

Amazon Must-Haves

back to school must haves
fine motor must haves

Tips for Shopping on Amazon

I shop on Amazon a lot and have a few tricks that have served me well. I hope they hope you too!

  • Get a Prime Membership! Not only does it save you on shipping costs, but things typically get to you faster. You also have access to a whole host of other benefits including Prime TV, music, and more!
  • Make lists! If you know you’ll be doing a unit study or a particular lesson during the school year and need special supplies for it, create a private list to store all of your finds.
  • Make a classroom wish list. A wish list to share with families is a great way to get those much needed donations to your classroom!
  • Use your Prime Delivery Day. Oftentimes, Amazon will offer credit for selecting a Prime Day or a ship together day. It’s an easy way to stock up on those credits and use them for ebooks, music, movies, and more!
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What are your Amazon teacher must-haves? Share with us below!




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