
Adapted Books for the Special Ed Classroom

Adapted books are one of my new, absolute favorite things to have in the classroom.
You can find them on almost any topic and I promise you that your students will love them too.
Maybe you are unsure of what an adapted book is, so here’s a brief description:

There are different types of adapted books. You’ve got the adapted piece book sets, which are interactive pieces you use in children’s books your child already loves. Then you’ve got adapted books, which is a printable book (or the digital version) that has interactive pieces. Both types of adapted books help students identify key information in the story using text and illustrations to answer Wh- questions throughout the story.

Okay, so now that you know what an adapted book is, let me show you how to put one together. First hand. For free.



You’ll want to grab this How to Make a Valentine Adapted Book FREEBIE before we go any further.

{ See all of Mrs. D’s adapted books here. }

Okay, now we are all on the same page…

I mean, literally… we’re on the same page now. This is what you’ll see on the second page of what you just downloaded (since the first page is the cover). You’ll want to print pages 2-17.

I use white card stock for all of my adapted books.

Level one of the two adapted readers included looks like this. You’ll see all of the book pages, then 2 question pages (1 page for a total of 2 questions), and a half page of answer squares.

Level two of the two adapted readers looks like this. You’ll see all of the book pages, then 4 question pages (2 pages for a total of 4 questions), and a page of answer squares.

After you print all of the pages, you’ll want to laminate them for longevity.

Laminate your little heart away with these babies. Then cut the extra lamination off around each page.

The ONLY cut you need to make on each page is on that dotted line (just like in the picture above).

When you’ve finished cutting out the level 1 book, this is what you should see. The best part of these books is that if you keep them in order as you’re laminating and cutting, your books will be in reading order when you put them together.

Notice I only cut on the dotted line, and I included the question pages at the end of the story.

Before I go any further, I hole punch each page. There are little gray dots on each page to guide you, but I like to hole punch 2 pages at a time to ensure that they’re ever more lined up. Hello, OCD.

Now onto the Velcro coins and binder rings! (Note: you only need 2 binder rings. I prefer the 1″ size.)

Add or insert your 1″ binder ring to keep all of the pages together.

I like to do this before cutting out the answer squares and before adding the Velcro coins because then I don’t have to worry about my page order getting mixed up.

Now it’s time to cut out the answer squares. You’ll notice on the level 1 answer squares that there is a dotted line and half the page is empty?! I did that on purpose, for you. I save these laminated half sheets of paper. You never know when you’ll need it as a stand in white board or something!

 Naturally, the next step is to cut out the answer squares.

Add a piece of Velcro to the back of each answer piece…

…and each square inside of the book…

…and to the two circles and square on each answer page.

I like using Velcro coins because I don’t have anything to cut. It makes the whole process a lot quicker and less messier (because, you know, the scissors get lots of gunk on them!)

If you don’t want to store your answer pieces inside of the adapted book itself, laminate one piece of cardstock and attach to the back of the book. Then add two strips of loop velcro.

{ See all of Mrs. D’s adapted books here. }

Now let’s move on to see how I use these books in the classroom.

The actual paper/pencil comprehension test is my favorite part of each adapted book. Each book, no matter the level, comes with its own set of questions and a “matching” test. I use these quick assessments to collect data on comprehension for many of my students.


Congratulations, you just made an adapted book set for your classroom. How easy was it? I hope that you and your students benefit from this free adapted book.

{ See all of Mrs. D’s adapted books here. }

I’ve found that once we do the books together once, I can put them in centers for students to work on independently.


Let me also introduce you to Adapted Book Club. ABC takes all of the adapted books from the shop and gives you a portal to access them all – and then some more!

That’s over 600 adapted books! Let me show you inside club…

You see, Adapted Book Club has exclusive adapted books inside that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. AND you’ll have access to The Academy, which is a bunch of videos for all things adapted books.

It’s pretty spectacular and I’m super pumped to be able to offer this amazing resource to you so that you can hit all 10 of those reasons above and more.

Yes, MORE!

What are you waiting for? Join Adapted Book Club today! Use code ADAPTEDBOOKS4ME at checkout to save $27.50.

What questions do you still have about creating, using, or putting together adapted books? Let me know in the comments!

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