Quotes help people come together… in a way, it is sort of like having a conversation with someone that just lights a fire inside of you.
You feel connected to this person, at the same time, you feel inspired. And educational quotes have always done that for me. Reinvigorate that teaching fire inside of me.
You come home from a really long day at work and you just need nothing more than to feel like someone understands, from a teacher’s perspective.
Sometimes for good days and good reasons, and sometimes for other reasons. And that’s where quotes come in.
I want to share with you 20 of my favorite relatable and inspiration educational quotes to just remind you that I understand and how amazing you are as a teacher.
If there could be just one college course on real life teaching, it would need to be all encompassing of this quote.
Showing a genuine interest in each of your students as individuals, and respect, goes a long way.
Never forget how amazing your job is… and how it is so much more than a “job”. You were given this journey for a reason. Never forget how blessed you are to have the students in your class that you do.
Change the conversation. LOVE this!
Yes, yes, yes! Teach all of your students. All the time. Every day. No matter what.
There is so much that goes on outside of the classroom that many teachers will never understand or know anything about. Struggles and successes… and the lesson plan is not always the most important thing.
This is one of my favorites that I previously shared on my Facebook page. Many of you loved it too, so I made sure to add it to this list.
Creating a classroom community is so important.
This one says it all.
Let kids play! Okay, there I said it. Let them play, let them be young and let them explore the world around them. #offmysoapbox
It could be one or all of the above. Remember how important you are in a child’s life.
This goes for “in real life” friends and the people you work with. Hang around positive people who inspire you and support you. Don’t waste your time with anyone else.
We are such an important part of the little growing minds in our classrooms. We are helping to shape the future, so be very mindful in the words you use with, to, and in front of your students.
We are all heroes!
Special education teachers know all too well how important it is for natural communication to occur for all of our students, even our nonverbal students. Slow down, pause, and give appropriate wait time… if a child is trying to communicate in a non-traditional manner, let them!
Rita Pierson is my spirit animal… if you’ve not watched her TedTalk, you need to do that now.
Now more than ever, parents and teachers need to be on the same page. Not just us, but therapists, administration, the community in which we live and teach… we are all a part of a child’s education and we all need to work together.
We are all leaders… and we need to remember that we are educating and encouraging young minds to be leaders too. #happyheart
I saved this one for last because I feel like it is a really powerful one. YOU are the magic in your classroom. Regardless of laws, mandates, state testing, and all of the other crazy things that happen, don’t you ever apologize for the fire – that teaching fire that has told you you are meant to be a teacher… yeah that fire… don’t ever apologize for it.
I hope your intrinsic love of teaching fire feels reinvigorated and you feel inspired, ready to tackle the upcoming school year. Feel free to pin the image below to save this post for days when you need a little inspiration.
What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes? Tell us in the comments below!